
Friday, August 15, 2014

The Patriotic Touch

The Patriotic Touch

     The country, India. The people, Indians. The culture, Oriental. The rule, Anglo-Indian. A nation of Confederation. That was the scenario in the pre-independence period. A nation full of insecurity, uncertainty and non-entity.
     Towards the end of the 15th century the countries of Spain and Portugal, began their imperialistic activities in India. The Dutch, the French and the British too came as competitors. In 1857 AD. an attempt to overthrow the British power was made by Indian rulers, including Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, Tatya Tope, Nanasaheb and others, but the revolt failed. Queen Victoria of England took over the administration of India, and India became a part of the British Empire. For 90 years, from 1857 to 1947, when India became independent, the Indian people were under the imperialistic rule of the British. Imperialism spread in India and its neighboring countries.
     In the intermediate period the First World War broke out between 1914 AD. to 1918 AD., involving 32 countries. The factors leading to the First World War were deep rooted since the beginning of Imperialism. It aroused nationalism among the masses. The spirit of nationalism became fierce and aggressive with the passage of time.
     Patriotism became perverted and nations became selfish. The word ‘Patriotism’ comes from a Greek word meaning fatherland. For most of history, love of fatherland or homeland, ‘motherland for Indians’ was an attachment to the physical features of the land. But that notion changed in the 18thcentury, when the ideals of Democracy, Socialism and Communism strongly emerged into political thoughts. Patriotism was still love for one’s country that included connection to the land and people, but then it also included its customs and traditions, pride in its history and devotion to welfare.
     Today most people agree that Patriotism also involves service to their country, but many disagree on how to best perform such services. Some believe that the national government speaks for a country, therefore, all its citizens should actively support government policies and actions.. Others argue that a true patriot speaks out when convinced that their country is following an unwise or unjust action. 
     The emergence of Patriotism led to the independence of countries from overpowering rulers. The celebrations of the red-letter days, i.e.
·         The Independence Day --- The day we stopped depending on foreign authorities and started self-governing our territories.
·         Republic Day ---The day on which the country where the supreme power is held by the people or their elected representatives.
·         Liberation Day ---The day the country or state was set free from its oppressors.
These days are reflections of the patriotic feeling. On these days’ freedom fighters, patriots, soldiers are awarded with medals and mementos to honour their contribution towards the nation. The celebrations are pompous events contemplated by millions of people. But, do these millions nurture the thought of liberation in their mind or heart?
They definitely forget it. It is just an event, blurred and insignificant, which drifts to the back of the mind after the momentous day has passed by.
     Hon. Ex-President, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, in his speech at Hyderabad, echoed J.F.Kennedy’s words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians --------------
“Ask what we can do for India, and do what has to be done to make India what America and other western countries are today.”
     The essence of liberation is lost. The three basic essentials for attaining liberation are Right knowledge, right faith and right conduct. Do we at all fit into this form?
     The post-independence period has made quantum leaps in different fields of art, science, music, education, politics, etc. but the conduct is left behind. People have suppressed the importance of conduct, of religious and moral codes of behaviour, heading towards corruption, political instability and religious disharmony giving rise to universal destruction, terrorism, where all human values are lost.
Terrorism is caused due to frustration and desperation, misinterpretation of religion, justifying one’s religion to be superior, ignoring humanity and respect for life itself. The entire cycle begins and ends from the lack of conduct. People forget that life has to be valued more than nations, cultures and religion.
  “Nations grown corrupt,
    Love bondage more than liberty.
    Bondage with ease than strenuous liberty.”
                                           ----------------John Milton.
Year after year, we boast of celebrating several National events regardless of what we are truly doing to the country and for the country. The freedom fighters struggled to liberate India from its oppressors keeping in mind the human values. We have left these values far behind and are adopting the western culture that our ancestors strived to quit. The argument suggests that if we wish to live in the modern global village, which the world is transforming into, we need to adopt their ways. But would it justify the idea of leaving back our own culture and ethics, just to globalize? Do we really cherish the liberty we have or are we just making it a hoax?
     The west is adopting the oriental ways of life not forgetting its indigenous culture, so also can we preserve and cultivate the patriotism with our own values and principles, leaving no space for discrimination.
“The strength of a nation is derived from the integrity of its homes”                                          --------------Confucius.
     The countries of the world fight for their identity, for power, but each forgets that in the cosmic universe each has its own position. As Peter Sterry has quoted:
“See a golden Chain, see the Order of the precious Links, see how in a beautiful circle, the beginning is fastened to the end.”
If the chain has beautiful pearls in different colours, each would add to the entire beauty of the chain. Each country with its own brilliant colours could make a priceless jewel.
     The world is a small place to live in, for one and all to live in its entireness, in wholeness, not with one country but with the universe to celebrate life. Let us share our similarities and celebrate the differences.
      Many authors, scientists, intellectuals have expressed their Impressions of India, which might inspire us to adore our country, to be proud of it, to change our attitude towards it.
“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition.” ---------- Mark Twain.
Adding more to it, Albert Einstein quoted,
“We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.”
     To sum it up, Liberation is therefore, to celebrate our freedom from dominating powers and not freedom from our faith for the nation, from duties and responsibilities towards the nation. Then and only then will the true sense of Patriotism come to the fore overshadowing the rest of the world and shining brightly.