is a delusion.
Each and every aspect of life is
a delusion.
It may be the material world, relationships,
power, intellect, wealth, prosperity, position. Whatever form it may be in, it
is not the real form. Every individual considers himself to be the doer or
achiever of that life, of that progress and prosperity. But in reality exactly
the opposite is true. He is not the doer but the done.
When he transcends from the material world, only then does he understand
the causes and effects of the materialization of things in this world. It is
not that only the saints and yogis are capable of this transcendence. It is for every human being. May it be a
layman or an intellectual, rich or poor, powerful or weak. Because this transcendence is the process of
the mind, the soul, the spirit within and not of the physical self. Whereas the material world, relationships,
power, belong only to the physical world. It is not a new concept. This concept
has been explained and taught time and again since the evolution or creation of
human beings. Through scriptures,
religions, faiths since time immemorial.
But the question is, ‘Then why
every human being does not learn it or adopt it and evolve through it?’
The reason is simple but
unknown. It is unacceptable to the man of worldly pleasures. To the man of
ignorance and facility. The reason is that he cannot distinguish between the
body and soul, between matter and spirit, between temporary and permanent,
momentary and eternal. This simple principle or philosophy of existence is not
available to all.
Why is it not available?
Because human form results after
many previous births. In each birth the spirit evolves with its Karma, with its
thoughts, actions, cause and effect. Even after reaching the human form, his
mind, his thoughts have not evolved to that stage. He then needs to search the
self. Know the self.
As we know the
self, our existence, we begin to evolve. Here the questions that enable to
understand life are,
Who am I? Why do I exist? Where do I come from and where do I go? What is my reason to be on this earth?
Familiar questions?
Yes, we have read them in every
spiritual book, heard them in every discourse.
But have we answered these questions?
Positively, NOT. Then let’s do it
for our own self.
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