B +ve.
It is not about the blood group, but about the attitude to “Be Positive”. In the sms language the thoughts have contracted to single letters and coded language. People’s thoughts and characters have also contracted from a deep rooted cultural etiquette to superficial behavior. The depth in thoughts and words are lost somewhere in the fast paced lifestyle. NO wonder after sometime our thoughts and words, our script and letters will be left only with dots and dashes. With more blank thoughts and blank messages on the screen of life. Because, thoughts are the causes and conditions are its effects.
As exercise keeps the body free of illness, similarly, a positive mind helps to keep away from illnesses. There is a deep relation between body and mind. Our mental condition effects directly to the body. Our thoughts, thinking method, emotions and beliefs frame our health and eating habits. Positive thinking leads to complete good health and negative thinking is the root cause of every illness.
A person’s way of thinking shapes his character. Theosophy explains that every thought however fleeting, leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker. These seeds make a large tree of thoughts. These thoughts are regulated in the positive or negative way. The more you encourage positive thought; more the mind gets accustomed to accept those thoughts. The more you encourage negative thoughts the more they make your thinking power and attitudes curbed to that sphere of self-made, self-centered world. These thoughts determine one’s character. As said earlier, Thoughts are the causes and conditions are its effects.
Behind every disease or illness, there are two definite causes, external and internal. For example, a person who is used to smoking and the environmental pollution, both lead to external causes for cancer, whereas his indifferent and unconcerned attitude towards people and society, his sadness and anger against them is the internal cause for cancer. Each and every human emotion is related to a particular type of illness or disease. May it be mental or physical. When negative thoughts are replaced by positive thoughts, the physical conditions start changing; the body becomes more healthy and active. We alone have the choice to create our thoughts and develop the kind of impressions that make our actions more positive.
Some harmful negative thoughts are:-
· Not accepting the self, trying to find faults in the self.
· Remembering the past bad experiences and not letting it erase from the mind.
· Blaming circumstances, allowing them to take charge over the self.
· Thinking more and more about future.
· Trying to be a perfectionist. One must not forget that God alone is perfect. Do not expect perfection from one and all around you.
· Being afraid of the changes that come along in life and their effects.
· Always keeping a fear of negative results and not trying to do anything worth.
· Thinking life and work as a burden.
· Encouraging anger, jealousy, and hatred. Not encouraging healthy and knowledgeable thoughts.
· Not accepting responsibilities.
· Obstinate mindset. Inability to accept or understand other’s point of view or opinions.
· Keep a very strong ego, which needs to be satisfied at any cost.
To overcome these negative aspects the person should try to change the mindset, control the mind and tame it to accept the outer world as it is. To achieve mental peace and good health, it is necessary to have a broad receptive mind, which can absorb the positive thoughts like water in a sponge.
Some steps to adopt the positive ways of life are:
· Try to slow your pace in life. Always being in a hurry, running around doing nothing constructive or useful tires the mind. Because the mind does not get the satisfaction of achieving something from any of these works. Slow your pace, relax. Give the mind a few minutes everyday to cool, calm down, stay devoid of thoughts. Make it blank. It is the best way to rejuvenate the mind.
· Take rest. Relieve the body and mind after exertion. After working continuously for 40-50 minutes take rest. It does not mean lying down on the bed. A person can rest even while sitting on a chair, closing the eyes, relieving the muscles and distressing the whole system for 3-5 minutes.
· Pamper yourself. Try to do something that pleases the mind. Read a book, look out of the window, and talk to a friend. Anything that makes you feel better works wonders on the effects of monotonous routines.
· Make a list of daily work. Arrange it according to its importance. Do the more important first and leave the less important for later times.
· Do not hesitate to take help from others. Give first preference to your health. Taking an overload of work can leave you exhausted and incapable of completing the task. It may lead to health hazards. Divide your work with others. Learn to say ‘NO’ when required.
· Appreciate your own self. It boosts your self confidence.
Be happy; keep a smile on your face. It helps to de-stress the facial muscles and relaxes them. A tensed face slows down the blood flow in them.
· When negative thoughts like anger, hatred, jealousy arise in the mind, make yourself aware of them and try to divert the mind to more pleasant thoughts. At such times slow, deep breathing helps in controlling the mind.
· Be generous. Express gratitude when someone lends a helping hand. It improves social relations.
· Develop the hobby of reading. Learn to take the company of books, because books are the best source of knowledge. And also by engrossing the self in the books you will be away from the chaos of the external world and it will relax the mind. Any other hobby like painting, embroidery, bird-gazing, star-gazing, brings a variety in the otherwise dull life and draws away the depression and unhappiness and makes you feel fresh.
· Play with children for sometime. It takes you back to your childhood, where innocence and happiness were the major factors of life. Leave back the maturity of life.
The most important thing is to fill your life with enthusiasm and activity. Stress and isolation are the worst enemies of health. Learn to open your mind. There is joy in learning and accepting new possibilities. As said by Henri Matisse, “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”
A simple example of positivity can be taken from devotion. We know that praying to God is always encouraged in solitude, in silence. One can pray to god anywhere at any time. May it be at home, at the office, in a bus, almost anywhere. Yet, many people continue with the daily ritual of going to the places of worship like temples, church, mosques. We hear people saying that visiting temple or church gives them divine peace. It is only because these places have a different field of vibrations. One may not think of praying between a noisy crowd, in a disco or a bar, where the vibrations are totally opposite than those in places of worship.
On a whole, all the people who visit the temple or church pray and have good thoughts, positive thoughts in their minds, their heart full of devotion and they are at the best of their behavior as long as they are present at the place of worship. They visit the place with immense faith and positive thought. It is this positivity that creates at atmosphere of ambience and peace. It is the silence and quiet environment that gives solace to the mind. It reflects their thoughts and creates a spiritual field. It gives peace and satisfaction and uplifts one’s conscience.
As Psychologists say, if you really want something in life, you have to learn to believe you can get it, be positive about it and focus and concentrate on the means and ways to achieve it. This positivity will make you achieve your goals in life.
“When we create something, we always create it first in a thought form. If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create, people, situations and events which confirm to our positive expectations,” as said by Shakti Gawain.
By: Toral Pradhan.
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